Know Your Messiah
The Tabernacle: God's Plan of Redemption Through Jesus Christ
Exodus 25:8 And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.
Exodus 25:9 According to all that I shew thee, [after] the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make [it].
- The earthly tabernacle is a picture of the heavenly tabernacle.
Hebrews 9:11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building;
The Tabernacle is a picture of Christ and His ministry. In fact, the total Christian experience is wrapped up in the Tabernacle, the furniture, the way and why the Tabernacle was constructed. The purpose of the Tabernacle was to be a dwelling place for God among men.
The Tabernacle was fenced off. God resided in the holy of holies at the back of the Tabernacle. He could only come into the presence of the high priest (one man only) who entered with blood once a year. There was still a lot of separation between man and God.
The priests were set apart from the masses. The Levites didn't do the services. The families of Moses and Aaron did. They are of Levi, but are more separated than the rest of the tribe. Moses has seen the Tabernacle (a replica of it, in the 3rd heaven) before he even built it.
The priests were set apart from the masses. The Levites didn't do the services. The families of Moses and Aaron did. They are of Levi, but are more separated than the rest of the tribe. Moses has seen the Tabernacle (a replica of it, in the 3rd heaven) before he even built it.
Hebrews 9:23 [It was] therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.
'these' - sacrifices
'pattern' - this Tabernacle is patterned after the one in heaven. Moses saw the original Tabernacle on the mount and than built the earthly one.
'better' ? The earthly Tabernacle was dedicated with the blood of bulls and goats, the heavenly Tabernacle with the blood of God.
God won't accept any blood but that of a righteous man in the heavenly Tabernacle.
Hebrews 9:24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, [which are] the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:
'entered' - Christ couldn't enter the earthly Tabernacle. He wasn't a Levitical priest. He was a Melchizedecian priest, an eternal priesthood, so He could only effectively enter an eternal Tabernacle: the heavenly Tabernacle.
'hands' - earthly Tabernacle
'us' - the work of intercession
'figure' - this one is a figure only
The Tabernacle foreshadows Christ's work, His ministry. The purpose being to bring you into the proper relationship with God.

Books for the Bible Believer
by Jerry Ingerman

1) Know your Messiah
An argument that Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah. Uses Scripture of the 1917 Jewish Publication Society Hebrew-English Bible, Jewish sages, Talmud, Zohar and scientific evidence. An important way of looking at the Bible in a dispensational context is presented.
2) Know your Creator
Directed at the non-believer. Uses a wealth of scientific evidence to state its case. World history throughout the ages and Bible history are shown to be one and the same. The purpose behind our history is shown to directly correlate with God's overall plan for man, the earth and the entire universe.
3) Isaiah: A bible within the Bible
Advocates that the 66 chapters of book of Isaiah draw much of their phraseology and substance from the 39 books of the Old Covenant and the 27 books of the New Covenant. A detailed computer analysis of the Bible along with a commentary on Isaiah is used to support this claim. Verses are compared and a scale of weights is applied to the findings to rate their context and relative significance.
4) Rightly Dividing The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven
Reveals the correct truth about these little known and misunderstood kingdoms. Only by rightly dividing the Bible can the real truth about the kingdoms be realized. It is a fascinating story, one that started before our earth was created and whose ramifications will be felt throughout the entire universe for all eternity.
5) The Chronology of the Bible as it is implemented in the Scriptures
Knowing about Bible chronology helps in understanding what God said and did at a particular time. Sometimes it can also help in understanding the relationship of Bible events to other historical events. The Bible itself provides the unit of its own chronology. Virtually all attempts by human chronologers to obtain an accurate Bible chronology without first understanding the Scriptures and praying over them have only resulted in inaccuracy. For example, there is no foundation for Ussher's date of the Creaion at 4004 BC. When was the exact date of the Exodus? When was Christ born? 'Guesswork' and theories employed by Man can be eliminated by a accurate understanding of Bible Chronology as it is implemented in the Scriptures.
6) Commentary on the Book of Psalms
The Psalms draw on many aspects of the entire Bible. They have historical, prophetic and practical aspects. We are commanded to use the Psalms for singing and teaching (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16). They are referenced by Jesus Christ (Luke 24:44-47) and by the apostles (Acts 2:25-28). Music, in general, should be used to praise and worship God (See my music study for more).
The word 'Psalm' (Greek: 'psalmos') translates the Hebrew noun 'mizmor', "song, instrumental music," from the verb 'zamar', "sing, sing praise, make music." It means that the Book of Psalms is intended for singing. The Psalms are meant to be sung, with the accompaniment of musical instruments. David, the author of many of the Psalms, was a skilled player of the "harp" ("lyre" (kinnor) ), a musical instrument having strings and a wooden frame. It is commonly associated in the Bible with joy and gladness. The Psalms are songs of praise sung to the Lord. We are to praise God with song and instrument - 1Chronicles 13:8
God Himself played an instrument - Zechariah 9:14
God Himself sang - Zephaniah 3:17
The Psalms cover the entire range of human feelings and emotions. They reveal David's fears, longings, doubts, hopes, joys and sorrows. They provide an inspired book for worship, which can be said to be praise of God Himself and satisfaction with Him. The Psalms also provide much prophecy. At least 16 Psalms contain prophecies concerning Jesus Christ. Additionally, Israel's past, present and future are portrayed. It is not unusual for a Psalm to reveal the millennial reign of the Messiah. The Psalms also tell of the experiences and the fate of the wicked. The thoughts of the wicked, the manner of life of the wicked, their hatred of saints and their final end are all covered. The Psalms are the hymns of Israel and they can be personal hymns, as well.
7) Would a God of Justice punish unbelievers forever in hell?*
There are many mistranslations in the King James Bible (and in other popular versions as well). These, combined with misconceptions about anyone currently having anything immortal, the state of the dead and what happens to the human soul at death, appear to validate the 'doctrine of Hell', where sinners, completely conscious, burn forever. But is this truly an aspect of God's plan for Mankind or are we just projecting our own concepts of vengeance unto God? Instead, sinners will be mercifully destroyed in the lake of fire, which is the second death. We will show that the Bible advocates proportional, not endless punishment.
The result of reading this book is that is you will possibly come to view God in a different way. He is a just, yet merciful God. Hopefully this conclusion will remove some of the fear from Christianity and from the message that is preached to the lost. Please read this book with an open mind.
*I feel that this is my most important work.
8) Genesis-Jesus
Jesus' existence is revealed in the Hebrew of Genesis 1:1. The Hebrew language is the DNA of the Universe. Hebrew contains no past or future tense, so it can and will be the language of Eternity, where time no longer exists. Hebrew is one of the earliest alphabetical languages. Ancient Hebrew was originally a picture graph based system. Hebrew pictographs confirm Hebrew to be the language of God.
9) Paul and Judaism
The apostle Paul was not a traitor to Judaism. Paul trained as a Pharisee and became a zealot of Judaism and the Mosaic Law. Paul once believed he was doing God's will and keeping the Law in arresting, torturing, and killing those who believed Jesus was the promised Messiah. The apostle Paul was fully rooted in the monotheism of Old Testament Israel, and believed wholeheartedly in the moral requirements of the Hebrew Scriptures. The reason Paul converted to Christianity was that he believed Jesus to be this Messiah spoken of in the Old Testament. Paul would never have believed anything that contradicted the teachings of the Old Testament.
10) Which is true ... Creation or Evolution?
Christians should and must believe in Creation, not because of any secular, scholarly scientific 'evidence' that they are presented with, but because of their faith in Jesus Christ and in His Word the Bible. Jesus Christ is revealed in the Bible to be the Creator of all things:
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
- a proof text for the Deity of Jesus Christ
Regarding evolution, while the theory claims that life evolves from the simple to the complex, biologists now deny life gets more complex. They have even found that in certain cases life actually goes from a complex state to a simpler one. And although scientists can go back in time to the early milliseconds of the creation of the Universe, nobody can show what took place at millisecond number one. We will go more deeply into these issues in the main body of this document.
11) Eden2 - A Christian novel
"Travel the Universe with church pilot and pastor John Donesmore who is on a mission to reintroduce true Christianity to the planet Earth. It is now being perverted and systematically eliminated by an evil dictatorship that promotes the worship of an array of gods and idols through a network of false priests and a counterfeit Imperial bible. This gripping science fiction thriller will teach the basic fundamentals of Christianity as well as the rewards, responsibilities, and struggles inherent in living the Christian life, as Donesmore attempts to reestablish Christianity on Earth and is forced to establish it on a new world in order to liberate millions of captive souls and give them the opportunity have the free will choice to accept the free gift of salvation offered by Jesus Christ."

Issues which surface as these events transpire include:
* Can a robot be a Christian or only be 'Christian-like?
* The role of the Local Church
* When several meet in a virtual church is God present?
* The consequences of not being saved
* When is a war justified?
* Astronomy and the Bible.
* Is evolution possible?
* Is the Universe meant to be populated?
* You can't believe until you hear and when hearing comes faith comes.
* Does your faith have to be blind faith?
* The importance of Christian fellowship
* The consequences of following the wrong shepherd
... and much, much more.
12) Lesson title: The Ten Commandments, Moral Law and the Christian
True, the Jewish law has been nailed to the cross. But the 10 commandments are God's eternal (moral) laws not Moses' temporary ceremonial laws. They are included in the Jewish Law but they are not part of the Law of Moses. The Law of Moses is also known as the Mosaic Law. They have not been nailed to the Cross. We here to show you that they have been in effect. since the beginning of Scripture, are now in effect and always will be in effect.
13a) Poetry handout
14) Lesson title: "The 2 Floods"
There were two global floods, Lucifer's flood, which destroyed the pre- Adamic Earth. There were no survivors. The Earth was in and out of the water.
  2Peter 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
The above verse is not a reference to Noah's flood. The only other place in the Bible where the Earth was covered in waters is Genesis 1:2.
  2Peter 3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
'overflowed' - the context is not Noah's flood. This flood was a global cataclysm referred to as "Lucifer's Flood", so named because of God's Divine judgment on Lucifer's sin. It was a world system and an earth not in the situation it is now. In Noah's flood the purpose of the flood was to destroy that entire human race except for those that chose to enter the Ark. The Genesis 1:1 world perished, overflowed with water.
Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
'replenish' - it had been done once prior to the flood.
Both floods are analyzed including a time line.
15) What religion is valid today according to God
God never leaves it in Man's hands to make/build a religion. Man-made Religion is an invention of Man to justify Man and the way to get Man into heaven. Religion tries to cover up sins. It weighs people down by making them think they need to follow a bunch of rules and rituals to try to please God. When we think of the word religion we think of a variety of things - steeples, rituals, rules. But the word "religion" in its most distilled down form, refers to an outward expression of faith, or a demonstration of something that is inwardly true. We must live and love as Jesus Christ did. God has always called his people to care for the widow and the fatherless, and he challenges us to offer genuine help to others who are forgotten, overlooked, and find themselves as outsiders. The religion God considers 'Pure' is discussed in detail.
16) A Study of Reincarnation
Reincarnation is a myth. According to the Bible reincarnation is not possible. One Bible verse lays the issue to rest: "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" (Hebrews 9:27). The Bible is very clear that all men experience a single permanent death. Reincarnation is a concept that is prevalent in many Eastern religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. The Bible is very clear that all men experience a single permanent death. Once this happens, each person is accountable for their actions in life. One day, Jesus Christ will come back to this world to judge the living and the dead. If one had many prior lives which one would He judge?

1 Corinthians 15:13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen:
This is impossible to reconcile with reincarnation. For if the soul of people already has been reincarnated in another human, what would be raised from the dead? All this and more is dealt with.
17) Bible Poetry
The Bible owes much to the chiastic device. The chiasms found in the Biblical text, points out a way of not only reading the sacred text, of actually "seeing" it. The literate of the ancient time were long time trained for this sacramental task to grasp the hidden vision. Early people were taught not properly to read, but to "see" the text; they were taught how to look at it in a chiastic manner, by approaching it "from the center outward and from the extremities towards the center." Vision of the text was thus structured around a center, the shape of chiasmus being properly a "helix." One can read the Bible without even knowing the chiasms are even there. The repetition inherent in Chiasms serves to make them an excellent memory tool.
Chiasmus is not a secret Bible Code, although it is often hidden by translations which may obscure the occurrence of repetitions of key words and phrases, and sometimes it is obscured by the numeric verse and chapter divisions. The Bible uses chiasms as an aid in understanding a given part of the Bible, the part's focus and as standard memorization technique, namely repetition. We'v'e covered a wide range of chiasms, thus proving they are prevalent throughout the entire Bible. Hopefully this document will show they are entire Bible as poetry. We will explain a wide range of poetic constructs that are used throughout the Bible.
18) The Week and Bible Chronology
We show the week is the seven day 'blueprint' used by God and now Man. The week spells out God's plans for Man. The 7 days of Creation are a type/prototype of God's 7,000-year plan for Man and the Universe. The number seven in Bible Numerology is a type (or representation) of Divine perfection. Thus, it is prevalent throughout Scripture, as well as in the terminology of Man. The number seven symbolizes countless elements in human civilization. There are seven days of the week, seven continents, seven colors of the rainbow, seven chakras, and seven wonders of the world. We find 7 musical notes (Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, and Ni), as well as 7 directions (up, down, left, right, center, forward, and back). Sir Isaac Newton has rightly identified that 'the light is a mix of Seven colors'.

We strongly connected the Feast of Tabernacles eighth day with the coming of Jesus Christ (the Millenium). The date of that feast occurs in October and we proved in our chronology book that Christ's human birth occurred in October of 1BC. He came to tabernacle with Man. Jesus Christ offered people to 'drink' Him at the festival. Additionally, the Bible is considered as the water of the Word. This and much more is explained in detail.
19) The Book of Genesis is truth
The book of Genesis is the foundation of the entire Bible. In our current age all of the above foundations are under attack. We currently live in an age where the foundations of our faith and our nation are being seriously undermined. And it's not rocket science what that results in. If you destroy the foundation then the building collapses. Genesis, as we prove, lays a foundation for the Word of God. Destroy credibility in the book of Genesis and you place a huge crack through the foundation of their being a Creator God, the institution of marriage between a man and a woman, original sin and the need for a Saviour. That is why the book of Genesis comes under such attack, especially from atheists and evolutionists.
Our Aid to Bible Understanding
The Book of Genesis is truth
Sermons Written By Jerry Ingerman and delivered both locally and internationally
Sermons Written By Jerry Ingerman and delivered both locally and internationally Suday School Lessons
Bible Studies
* Kingdom Final Study F6
* NIV Deletions
* Advanced Church History Final Exam
* A Commentary on Philemon
* The KJB and the NIV Compared
* The Will of God
* The Life of Christ
* Music and the Christian
* Matthew Study (16 Chapters)
* Kingdom Chart
My church came across an old hymn book, but we weren't familiar with the music. This mp3 CD is the result of the search for the unfamiliar music in this hymn book. Hymns CD
All material is based on The King James Bible AV 1611.
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All Scripture found in these books is taken from the King James Version (AV 1611)
of the Bible unless otherwise stated in the book itself. All rights reserved
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"The Book of Psalms"
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"Know Your Messiah"
copyright © by Jerry Ingerman
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"Know Your Creator"
copyright © by Jerry Ingerman
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"Isaiah: a bible within the Bible"
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"Rightly Dividing the Kingdom of God
and the Kingdom of Heaven"
copyright © by Jerry Ingerman
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"The Chronology of the Bible
As it is Implemented in the Scriptures"
copyright © by Jerry Ingerman
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"Would a God of Justice Punish Unbelievers Forever in Hell?"
copyright © by Jerry Ingerman
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copyright © by Jerry Ingerman
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"Paul and Judaim"
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"Which is True? Creation or Evolution"
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"Gird Your Loins - Prequel to Eden2"
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"Ten Commandments"
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"The 2 floods"
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"What religion is valid today according to God"
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"A Study of Reincarnation"
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"Bible Poetry"
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"The Book of Genesis is truth"
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"The Week and Bible Chronology"
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An important message:
Why you must accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour
An actual presentation of this message:
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Inner Secrets of Hebrew can help you to better understand the Bible*
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The Earthly Tabernacle foreshadows the ministry of the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ and His Church
Typology of the Tabernacle shows how the Tabernacle is a representation of God, Man and the Universe
Jesus Christ nailed the temporary ceremonial Law of Moses to the cross, but the Ten Commandments are God's laws and nine of these commandments are moral laws that are still in effect for Christians today
Elements of the Earthly Tabernacle
A picture of the Heavenly Tabernacle
By Jerry Ingerman
The Gate - where God and man were reconciled
When the priest went out of the Tabernacle he became exposed to the sinner that came through the gate with a lamb. The priest did the sacrificing of the lamb - a picture of salvation by grace not by works. God had given the lamb life, food, sunshine. Then the priest was to minister to the man.
John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
The Ark and Mercy Seat - pictures Christ our propitiation
Christ pleads for our mercy before God. The word for mercy seat is the same root as the word atonement. It means to cover, cancel, appease or cleanse. The Greek equivalent is the word propitiation. (Romans 3:24-25) The cherubim upon the mercy seat were the Guardians of God's throne. In the ark were:
Two Stone Tablets of the Law - pictures Christ the living word
A Golden Pot of Manna - pictures Christ our spiritual food
Aaron's Rod that Budded - pictures resurrection
The Table of Shewbread - a type of Christ the bread of life
John 6:51 I am the living bread, which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
Each of the 12 breads represented one of the 12 tribes of Israel. The priests were entitled to eat old loaves only while standing. The priests joined together for the fellowship of eating bread and becoming one. Just as the table of Shewbread pictures fellowship and communion, it points to Christ, who offered better promises for us to partake in that we might all be one in the Spirit. While Manna pictures Life Given (John 6:32-33), Shewbread pictures Life Sustained (Romans 5:10)..
The veil - a type of Christ's flesh
The veil is present in the earthly tabernacle because the atonement was not yet complete. When Christ died the veil was rent. The veil showed that the relationship between man and God was incomplete under the first covenant but we can now enter into the presence of God through the flesh (blood) of Christ and dwell with God. The rent veil ended the earthly priesthood.

The Tabernacle was walled; it excluded everybody. It taught exclusion from the presence and fellowship of God. The first thing that happened when you went through the door of the Tabernacle was a blood sacrifice. This was where God and man reconciled. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.
The Tabernacle was divided by the veil, into the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. The priests served in the Holy Place. It represents the church of Christ. The Holy of Holies represented God's special dwelling place on the Earth in the midst of His people. It was a perfect cube in shape, a type of the Holy City of New Jerusalem.
The Golden Altar of Incense - pictures Christ our sweet -smelling Saviour.The veil - a type of Christ's flesh
As with the Table of Shewbread, the Altar of Incense had a golden crown on top of it. This signifies Christ being crowned with glory and honour (Hebrews 2:9). Incense is a type of the true prayers of the believer through Christ. As high priest according to the order of Melchisedek He presents incense to the Father (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25). One of the ingredients of the incense was salt, added to keep our prayer neither sentimental nor formal.
The Tabernacle proper also contains the Altar of Brass (See above) in the outer coutyard for sarificing aninals. The Altar of Insence was inside the Tabernacle in front of the veil. As a general rule the inner furnishings represent the work Christ does for us in heaven in the presence of God, while the furnishings in the outer courtyard represent the work done for us on this Earth in the presence of man.
The Candlestick (Lampstand) - a type of Christ the light of the world
The Candlestick was made of hammered gold and consisted of a main branch from which 6 other branches protruded. The lamps were fed with pure olive oil and they burned all night. Oil is a type of the Holy Spirit.
The lamps were fashioned like Almonds. Almonds speak of the resurrection. The almond tree is the first tree to bear fruit in the spring. There was a clear connection between the lampstand and the Holy of Holies in that the appearance of the lampstand resembled the rod of Aaron, which budded (see Numbers 17), that was behind the veil. But the prominent connection was with the Table of Shewbread because the Lampstand was particularly designed to illuminate the Table.
The Laver - a type of Christ our cleansing and regeneration
The word "laver" means a bath or wash-basin containing water for the purpose of washing. The Jewish priests had to wash their hands and feet before entering the Tabernacle. They were commanded to continually wash their hands and feet during service. Each time the priest went past the Brazen Laver he was to wash, whether he was coming or going. After the priest performed the sacrifice he would look at his reflection in the Laver. Washing himself typified the washing of the body in the blood of Christ, cleansing his body and conscience by the word of God (See Ephesians 5:26). The Laver also pictures Sanctification. It also pictures the Word of God. As the Word of God is infinite, no exact size is given for the laver in the instructions for building the Tabernacle.
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